Which dental issues can Invisalign effectively treat?
Along with crowding issues, Invisalign in Windham can rectify problems with teeth spacing, mild and moderate bite issues, and because it corrects spacing issue, it can also reduce your chances of developing gum disease in the future.
How does the system work?
Once you’ve visited our dentist for Invisalign in Windham and had a 3D image of your mouth and jaw captured, a plan will be created to move your teeth into their ideal positions. A series of custom-made plastic aligners will be made that will slowly and consistently apply pressure to your teeth, with each set being worn for approximately one to two weeks for 20 to 22 hours each day.
How should Invisalign aligners be cared for?
Along with cleaning aligners with warm water and a soft-bristled toothbrush each night, wearers should not eat or drink while wearing them. Doing so can cause bacteria to grow on your gums and teeth, which can lead to cavity formation. Doing so can also cause staining on your aligners and teeth.
Interested in learning more about Invisalign and whether it’s a viable option for your smile? Call our office today to schedule a consultation!